Aug 22, 2018 | posted by Jason Nugent

As a nonprofit, member-owned telecommunications cooperative, our first priority is taking care of our members. That’s why every decision we make is carefully considered by our award-winning team to be able to answer one question: Is this the right thing to do for our members? We’ll work until that answer is always "Yes."

Community is our grounding principle. We believe in hiring local people, giving scholarships to local students and educational causes, as well as hosting and sponsoring fun and informative events for all to enjoy.

There are currently 260 telecommunications cooperatives in the United States that provide Internet, video, and voice services to 1.2 million rural Americans in 31 states. Cooperatives know that rural doesn’t have to mean isolated. We’re here to provide you with a window to your world through innovative and reliable services from local people that live, work, and play in the community.

The telecommunications industry changes regularly with adjustments and improvements to government regulations, technological advances, and member preferences. We will continue to look to the future and offer innovative services to provide you with the best member experience possible. As your local cooperative, we're proud of our over 100-year history serving the Canby and Mt. Angel communities.

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Canby: 503.266.8111
Mt. Angel: 503.845.2291