Apr 8, 2021 | posted by Conner Williams

With more and more activity taking place online, protecting yourself on the Internet becomes increasingly important. Identity theft, scams, ransomware viruses, and more can pose a threat to anyone connected to the Internet. Follow the list of tips below to help keep your Internet-connected devices and your identity safe. Make sure:
Antivirus software is installed and running
Your passwords are complex and never repeated
Your web browser does not store or remember your passwords
Unused programs are removed
Your home wireless network is password-secured
The software on your computer is up-to-date
Your important data is regularly backed up to the Cloud
You use caution when browsing the Internet
- You log off the computer when you’re not using it
In addition to taking steps to protect yourself online, don’t forget to properly dispose of any and all documents that contain sensitive personal information, like medical records and credit card or bank statements. Canby’s Shred Day offers the perfect opportunity to make sure paper records are discarded safely. In addition, Webber Consulting will be on hand to wipe old hard drives, while the Canby Lions Club will be collecting eyeglasses, cell phones, and hearing aids. The Canby Police Department will also have volunteers available to safely dispose of old prescriptions.
County Fairgrounds Parking Area
April 22 from 12PM to 4PM
Cost: Suggested donation for shredding is $5 per box. Webber Consulting will be on-site to securely wipe hard drives for $10 each.
Visit Online: www.CanbyAreaChamber.com/community-events and search "Shred Day"
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