Nov 20, 2023 | posted by Conner Williams

'Tis the season of giving, and DirectLink is proud to again support local community toy & food drives by serving as a donation drop-off site at our Canby and Mt. Angel offices.
Kiwanis Canby Community Food & Toy Drive
DirectLink will have a donation barrel in our Canby lobby through December 15 for new, unwrapped gifts.
Since 1958, the entire Canby community has joined together to provide food and toys for neighbors in need. In 2022, the Kiwanis Canby Community Food & Toy Drive was able to provide food gift cards to 460 local families and gifts to 1,100 children.
In addition to toys, the Kiwanis Club of Canby is asking for tax-deductible monetary donations to purchase food vouchers. For those that could use some help this holiday season, applications are available at local schools, The Canby Center, Canby Public Library, Canby Kiwanis Thrift Store, and the Canby Adult Center. Applications are due December 6.
To donate
By credit card: Visit and click on the red "Donate" button
By check: Make payable to the Canby Kiwanis Foundation (F&T) and mail to PO Box 1004, Canby OR 97013
Mission Benedict Food & Toy Drive
DirectLink will have a donation barrel in our Mt. Angel lobby through December 8 for non-perishable food items and new, unwrapped gifts.
Non-perishable food items needed include canned chicken, tuna, pork, or beef; canned vegetables; canned fruit; boxed dinners; mac & cheese; evaporated milk; and soups. New, unwrapped toys and gifts are needed for all ages, but those for ages 12 and older are the biggest need. Those in need can sign up for Christmas food and toy boxes at Mission Benedict in person at 925 S Main Street in Mt. Angel from 9AM to 3:30PM Monday through Friday, or by phone at 503.845.2468.
To donate
By mail: Send cash or make check payable to Catholic Community Services and mail to 3737 Portland Rd. NE, Salem OR 97301
In-person: Bring cash or check to Mission Benedict at 925 S Main St. in Mt. Angel
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