SSID (Network Name) and Password

The SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the name of your wireless network, also known as Network ID. This is viewable to anyone with a wireless device within reachable distance of your network. It's recommended you set up a password so not just anybody can connect to your network.

If you have DirectLink OMNI service your SSID and password will already be set up and provided for you.

The SSID is the name of your wireless network. This is what you will look for when connecting wireless computers and devices.

The Password is the secret word or phrase you will enter when first connecting a device to your wireless network. Each computer or device you connect will need to use this password.

Note: It's recommended that you change your SSID and password to something more familiar and easy to remember (while still being secure).
If you have lost this information or would like to change your SSID and/or password, in general it's best to consult the documentation for your router or contact the manufacturer.
If you have DirectLink OMNI service, contact our Technical Support and we can help you.
Canby: 503.266.8111
Mt. Angel: 503.845.2291